The Navarre Garden Club provides educational opportunities in a variety of ways.
Floral Design Workshops
Floral design workshops are held once a month to learn the art of floral design. At these workshops, members make a floral design to take home with them. In May, the Navarre Garden Club Annual Flower Show gives members the opportunity to share what they have learned in floral design and horticulture workshops with the public.
Horticulture Workshops
Members gather at the Green Thumb for Horticulture activities. Our Green Thumb nurseray provides hands-on activity with experience in cutting, potting, and caring for a plant of interest.
Junior Garden Club
Once a month the Junior Garden Club committee conducts a class that educates children in preserving, protecting, and improving the environment. Because the lesson plans include detailed step by step instructions to complete hands-on student activities, members volunteer to help with preparation and classroom delivery. The programs include: Butterflies, Butterfly Gardens, Wild Flowers/Garden, Trees, Arbor Day, Floral Design, Birds, Tomatoes/Scientific Method, and Terrariums/Climate.
Monthly Meeting Programs
At monthly meetings garden club members and guests hear educational speakers discuss topics of special interest that have included herb gardens, beekeeping, camellias, etc…. In addition during the meeting the horticulture program.
Our major fund raising efforts go toward providing scholarship funds to students involved in environmental studies. Each year the Navarre Garden Club awards one scholarship to eligible students. The Navarre Garden Club College Scholarship is awarded to a student continuing their college education in environmental studies.