A non-profit [a 501 (c) (3) Organization]
P.O.  Box 5606, Navarre, FL 32566-5499 US


Community Involvement and Civic Development

The Navarre Garden Club participates in community development in many ways.

Blue Star Marker Dedication
Highway 98 is designated as a Blue Star Memorial Highway from the Okaloosa to Escambia County lines. The Navarre Garden Club raised funds for a Blue Star Marker that was installed directly in front of the Visitor's Center at the Navarre Park. The maker honors and remembers all past, current, and future service members. The garden club maintains the landscaping around the marker.

Chamber Membership
As member of the Navarre Chamber of Commerce, members volunteer to participate regularly with Chamber events, often attending the monthly breakfasts where we stay informed about community activities.

Civic Development
The Navarre Garden Club maintains the landscape at the Navarre Public Library and the Blue Star Marker site in front of the Navarre Visitors center. Throu

Conservation and Environmental

The Navarre Garden Club works with community organizations to recycle printer cartridges, distribute free trees, support the Penny Pines program to rebuild forests, and provide programs to learn conservation gardening techniques

Thanksgiving Centerpiece Workshop (TCW)
In November, prior to Thanksgiving, we hold a workshop that is open to the public to create Thanksgiving centerpieces that participants can take home with them. In addition, volunteers make and deliver miniature arrangements that are placed on trays for patients at the hospital on Thanksgiving

Wreaths Across America

Every year at Christmas, the club participates in the National Wreaths Across America event.